That which is essential is of an unbreakable nature, Love does not hurt and never breaks; It´s the other way around, Love always, and in ALL ways, is dynamically evolving breaking anything that is no longer in service.
— Claudia Flores

Claudia Flores

She was born and raised in Mexico City, where she lives.

Claudia is dedicated to her three kids and her nonprofit and social entrepreneurial efforts, focused on research, education, and facilitation of the Human Sustainability Project promoting self-awareness, creativity, responsibility, community building, and service, as the fundamental force, propelling us from within our essential humanity, necessary to create sustainable change and transformation, individually and collectively. 

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom”  -Viktor Frankl 

“I am interested in that space, that Viktor Frankl referred to; 

I am interested in collaborating to make that space available and safe for all; I believe is in that space within, that infinite possibilities converge.

It is in that space within, that we get to expand awareness, ignite our individual and collective abilities to respond, and engage our creativity to choose always and in all ways, prosperity and sustainability for ourselves and those around us, 

I believe that artists are our best point of reference, to courageously unleash our creativity, integrity, and authenticity, venturing outside of the boundaries of life as we know it, and making it a dynamic space where we are whole and from where we flow in service”-Claudia Flores

Amongst other organizations, Claudia has been active for many years with:

Social Impact Media Awards They exist to advance global awareness, social justice, human rights, and education by supporting independent content creators and media artists on the front-lines of social change and bringing their work into communities and classrooms around the globe.

Freedom to Choose Project The Freedom to Choose Project transforms the lives of individuals impacted by incarceration through compassionate experiential education that has been proven to reduce prison violence and recidivism.

We are deeply committed to our vision that every person who wants to learn to become a responsible, productive member of society has the opportunity and support to do so.

Innovando la Tradicion is a multidisciplinary non-profit and sustainable design project providing a creative platform where artisans, designers, and artists share skills, knowledge, and stories to rethink and honor the ceramic traditions of Oaxaca. The organization offers services to potters and pottery communities in Oaxaca to support the development and continuation of their craft.

Claudia has traveled the world with her children always following the path of opportunities to engage in service, education, arts, and culture; She finished her undergraduate studies in Paris, a lifelong learner interested among other topics in Behavioral Psychology, Sociology, International Affairs;  Claudia is currently a candidate (fall 23) for an MBA in Hospitality from Les Roches.  

Claudia serves on the  Board of the ICA/LA Since 2019 and having lived through the pandemic within the institution, deepened and consolidated her alignment and commitment to foster a sense of home with and for artists at the center of it all.